Online Game Downloads Online Game Downloads - Our games can now be downloaded if you have lost or are having problems with the CD's, or have purchased a game online through the Blizzard online Store.

- You will need to create a Blizzard account and then verify the email address to be able to download the games online. If you have purchased the games online from the Blizzard store you will use the same account.

- If you need to create an account, please visit the Blizzard account creation webpage. Please enter the required information and create your Blizzard account.

- Once the account has been created, you will need to verify the email address and register any games before you will be able to download the required files. While on the account homepage, look for the My Profile section and beside your email address should be a Verify this account button. Click this and a verification email will be sent to your email address.

- Check your email and click on the verification link in the email to complete this process. Once the email address has been verified, you can click on the Add a game to this account area and enter any CD-Keys from past Blizzard game purchases. Once a game has been registered you will be able to download the game using the PC or Mac download icons on the right side of the matching games section.

*Note for Starcraft and Diablo II Users*
The CD-key needed for the Digital download will be 26 alpha-numeric characters in length, you can register an older 13 digit numeric Starcraft CD-key or 16 digit Diablo II CD-key and it will automatically be upgraded to the new 26 alpha-numeric CD-key required to install the Digital download.

The game downloaders use the Blizzard downloader to download the necessary game files. For common issues and troubleshooting steps associated with the Blizzard Downloader, please visit our Blizzard Downloader Troubleshooting page

- If you are having any problems in creating your Blizzard account, Billing and Account representatives are on hand to take your call 8AM – 8PM Pacific Time, 7-Day Support, at 1-800-59-BLIZZARD (1-800-592-5499). Customers in Australia should call 1-800-041-378. Our Billing and Accounts team will be happy to assist you with any Account related questions. You may also contact them via email at

- If you are having any problems with the download of the game please visit the Downloader troubleshooting page. If you require further assistance with the downloader, you can email the Technical support department at

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