GarenaMaster Installation Guide

Hello, since a lot of people don`t know how to use this hack, I will explain it with pictures.
Pictures are shown when you click on Spoiler area. I did that to reduce size of post.
Prepare - 0. step
To use this hack, you first of all need Garena and Warcraft 3. And m4st3r hack of course.
Let the hacking begin!
Garena Hacking

-Open Garena -
THEN run GarenaM4ST3r.exe as Administrator and login with your user name and password
1 - When hack opens, Click "Garena" tab
2 - Choose Features - I will explain NameSpoofer and DelayReducer later.
3 - When you are done with choosing features, click Patch!
4 - MessageBox will appear saying "Done.View log for more info!" Click OK.
5 - Now click Login button on Garena window and VOILA!
6 - I hope you know how to use Garena yourself.

Update: Go to GarenaMaster MapHack download page to get the latest GarenaMaster Maphack that works for the latest Garena update.


NameSpoofer - how to?
NameSpoofer changes your Garena username (only to you, other see your real nick) and your Warcraft 3 username - all players will see this!
1. - Open Garena and GarenaMaster
2. - Write wanted nickname into "Name Spoofer" in Config tab. SPECIAL: You can put APPLE_NAME into name and you will have Apple in your nick in Warcraft! - thanks to haml0u for reminding me!
SPECIAL2: You can use colored names, thanks to -VGS-(Natsu) and DreamHack for reminding me.
List is under spoiler!


3. - Now go to Garena tab and pick NameSpoofer in features!


DelayReducer reduces delays in DotA and other games. Use is similar to NameSpoofer
1 - Open Garena and GarenaMaster
2 - Put desired value in Delay Reducer field in Config. tab - in milliseconds
3 - Pick CustomDelayON when picking features


Miniguide to Autojoiner Very Happy
Auto-joiner is part of Garena Master that constantly tries to enter room with less than 1 second between tries. Lot of people asked how to use it - you just have to check it on features list in Garena tab.
When you try to enter full room, it will activate itself and keep trying until it is in.
Look at picture below, that black will keep re-apearing until you are in room.


Warcraft 3 hacking - Maphack!
Warning!!!! You MUST activate "Do NOT DETECT MH" and "Do not lock Warcraft memory" if you dont want to get autobanned!
0. - Patch Garena with Master and login to Garena.
1. - Go to your favourite room and click Start Game
2. - Detect your Warcraft 3 version in lower right angle:

    1.24b = 1.24.1.xxxx 1.24c = 1.24.2.xxxx 1.24d = 1.24.3.xxxx 1.24e = 1.24.4.xxxx


3. - Alt-Tab to your GarenaMaster and click "W3X" and your patch version.
4. - Pick features you want to use
5. - Click Patch, click yes and OK on next MessageBox.
6. - Go back to your Warcraft and VOILA!!! You have MapHack.


Another Warning: When you click onto your enemies, little red circle is made under them. If someone reports you and posts replay, they may see when you clicked onto them and you will bet banned! BE CAREFUL WITH CLICKING ONTO ENEMY UNITS! Picture shows how it looks like - Pitlord (scourge) is selected and he clicked on other units.


Warcraft 3 hacking - ManaBars
1. - Make sure that "Do not lock Warcraft 3 memory" and "Do NOT detect MH" are enabled when patching Garena.
2. - Login to Garena and join your favorite room.
3. - Start Warcraft 3.
4. - Alt-Tab to GarenaMaster, click "W3X" and then "Mana Bars"
5. - Window will pop-up, click "Enable ManaBars"
6. - MessageBox will pop-up and say "Activated". Click OK and you have ManaBars!


Warcraft 3 hacking - RuneNotifier
1. - Make sure that "Do not lock Warcraft 3 memory" and "Do NOT detect MH" are enabled when patching Garena.
2. - Login to Garena and join your favorite room.
3. - Start Warcraft 3.
4. - Alt-Tab to GarenaMaster, click "W3X" and then click "RuneNotifier++"
5. - Window will pop-up, click OK
7. - Now Patch Warcraft 3 (for Maphack)
6. - Go back to Warcraft III and you have RuneNotifier!


Warcraft 3 hacking - Host Hack
Will add this as soon as it is enabled in hack!

Warcraft 3 hacking - CoolDown exploit!
Warning: If you over-use this people may report you to Garena forums and you may get banned!
You must have "Do not Detect MH" and "Do not lock Warcraft 3 memory" activated to do this!

NOTE: This can only be used by users of 1.24d patch!
Since most people don`t know how to use this, I will explain it step-by-step. I will also post video how I did it with 3 different heroes.
1. - Open GarenaMaster
2. - Patch Garena and be sure you have "do not detect MH" and "Do not lock memory" features ENABLED!
2. - Login to Garena and go to your favortite room
3. - Start Game (Warcraft 3)
4. - Alt-Tab back to GarenaMaster and click "W3X" and then "1.24D"
5. - Click Cooldown Hack
6. - MessageBox will appear saying "Cooldown hack Loaded" - click OK


7. - Go back to Warcraft 3 and join a game
8. - Pick hero that has spells which are NOT aimed (I took Potm, Terrorblade, Luna)
9. - Get some decent mana for casting few spells.
10. - Put your mouse over spell you want to use.
11. - Click that spell AND now Press CTRL and Click onto spell like crazy!
12. - Hopefully your spell will be casted multiple times.
Ok, I don`t have enough free time to edit it, so here it is, raw video Very Happy
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] -> Posting video makes it look small so please watch on Youtube Very Happy

There is no need to +rep me or waste you time with that, I have no intention to be mod anyway.
This guide is not totally finished, if I missed something please tell me over PM!

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