Malu05's Starcraft 2 Tool v0.2_B

Malu05's Starcraft 2 Tool is version independent, this means that (unlike other tools of its kind on this board) you don't need to update it every time blizzard release a new patch for Starcraft 2 beta, it will automatically find the new offsets.

Click here to download


Map Hack - Removes fog of war, and let you see everything on the map.
Instant Build - Units and Buildings will build instantly.
Unlimited Supply - Freezes the supply count letting you build as many units as you want.
Distance - Let you dynamically change the camera distance ingame.
FOV - Let you dynamically change the Field of View ingame.
Pitch - Let you dynamically change the Pitch (rotation) ingame.
Roll - Let you dynamically change the Roll (rotation) ingame.
Minerals - Let you set how many minerals you want.
Gas - Let you set how much gas you want.
GameSpeed - Let you dynamically change the game speed
Unlimited Zoom - Removes the limit on how much you can zoom in/out with your scroll wheel

Download location:

Download and extract rar content into one and same folder
(Vista and Win7 users with UAC turned on MUST rightclick the exe and select "Run as Administrator")

Who is Malu05?
If anyone of you are within the world of warcraft machinima bizz you might know me as i'm the creator of WoW Machinima Tool

Im super hooked on creative game hacking and thought it would be interesting to give StarCraft 2 a try.

Version History:


-Instant Build (no build time for both units and buildings)
-BlackSheepWall (No fog of war, everything on the map visible)
-Supply Hack (will stop the PSI number from changing allowing you to build unlimited units (even more than 200)).
-More checks during pattern scan to avoid problems with file acess.
-Added Debuging Code.
-Fake SC2 processes no longer appear in the process selection list.
-Fixed a problem that would cause problems if you use multiple versions of SC2
-Added Unlimited Zoom
-Added GameSpeed Controller
-Increased the maximum FOV amount
-Now devided into 2 Sections
-Fixed text in certain errors to make it clear what is wrong/needed
-Removed all old tool references

-Initiall release

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