God of War 3 The Destroyer of Gods Walkthrough - This is a great God of War 3 walkthrough courtesy of VampireHorde. Enjoy reading!!! Check this page for more God of War 3 Cheats and Codes. Or see all God of War 3 Tutorials.
What it do, nephews! Ready to continue where we last left off from the
last game? Sure ya are!
Re-acquaint yourself with the controls and practice your fighting
skills against the enemies that show up. For faster results, use
Kratos' new ability called the Battering Ram.
To clear away multiple numbers of enemies, grab the one baddie with the
Circle button and then press and hold the Square Button while running
around to use him as a Battering Ram. By using this move, you can clear
out large groups pretty quickly! Defeat the group to trigger a cutscene.
After Gaia clears the flaming path, approach it and press the R1 Button
and then rapidly tap the Circle Button to lift the tree trunk. Clear
out all the enemies in the way and then work your way up the hill to
meet a new sub-boss!
This giant horsey-crab hybrid may look like a toughie, but with your
skills, it's just a walk in the park. To damage the enemy quickly, use
double jumps and attack from the air. Dodge the horsey's water breath
by rolling away to the left or right.
Continue to damage the horsey until the next part where Kratos hangs
from the ceiling. Move towards the horse and continue to swing at it
while moving from its claw swipes.
When the perspective changes again, climb UP the wall to the top and
continue to damage the horsey with hard attacks. As you continually
damage it, the horse will finally keel over and the Circle Button will
appear above its head. Activate the Context Buttons to start the first
SPECIAL ATTACK Sequence. Press the FOUR buttons that appear onscreen to
complete the battle.
Climb to the right side and work your way to the top of the area.
Approach the chest to obtain some goodies. Now use the Ledge Climb to
traverse along the nearby ledge to the other side.
As Gaia takes damage, continue to shimmy the ledge to the next area.
Disperse the baddies waiting for you by using the Battering Ram move to
clear out the area.
Take the nearby ladder to the top of the cliff with more enemies. Again,
use the Battering Ram move to clear them all out. Open the GREEN chest
if you need to and then jump to the nearby ledge and use the GRAPPLE
move to jump to the other side.
Clear out more enemies with the Battering Ram move and then take the
ladder up. Climb up and then jump to the left to grab the ledge. Shimmy
all the way to the left. Climb up all the way to the top to trigger a
cutscene with Gaia.
Unfortunately, you cannot help Gaia from this ledge, so continue up the
path and use the ICARUS GLIDE and float to the next ledge. Open the
giant door to enter the Tomb Of Ares.
A new enemy emerges from inside: the Guardian Centaur! To avoid getting
badly damaged, use defensive tactics. Block his attacks and then swing
a bevy of hard attacks to damage him quickly.
After a series of hard attacks, the Circle button will float above the
Centaur's head, so activate the SPECIAL ATTACK sequence and press the
FOUR Context Sensitive buttons to kill him off. Clear out the remaining
baddies by using them as Battering Rams.
If you can't figure this simple puzzle out within a few seconds, then
you must be relatively new, otherwise, this one is a cinch! Activate
the nearby lever to move the elevator platform. Climb the ladder to the
top and get on the platform. When it moves to the next side, double-
jump off to find the very first SAVE POINT!
Work your way up the hall and open the metal gate. The Leviathan's claw
will come crashing down, so rapidly tap the Circle Button to fend it
off and trigger the next battle.
For this battle, you'll have to watch out for the horsey's giant claws.
Use lots of hard attacks while dodging those claws. After lots of
damage, the Circle Button appears, so activate the SPECIAL ATTACK and
press the THREE Context Buttons and then rapidly tap the Circle Button
to destroy the claw.
The claw will be sitting on the let side of the screen but DO NOT
access it yet! Continue to damage the horsey while dodging its water
breath and claw swipes. Use a mixture of aerial attacks to damage it
faster! After more damage is caused, activate the SPECIAL ATTACK and
rapidly tap the L1+R1 buttons to open up its chest.
Approach the large claw and the swing it towards its chest to end this
part of the battle.
The area is empty, so just approach the next area and shimmy between
the cracks to the other side. Climb and shimmy through the branches
until you reach Gaia's heart.
See that shining object on the right side wall? Grab hold of it and
pull the giant rock wall out. Rotate the wall 180 degrees (use the
Right Analog Stick) and then move it to the left side of the area.
Place the wall in between the empty crevasse to solve the puzzle!
Now climb the vines to the top and then grapple to the next area. Climb
to the top to encounter more enemies. Clear them out and continue down
the path to find more vines.
Jump and grapple higher while clearing more enemies all the way to the
top to trigger the first boss battle!
First thing's first, damage the giant claws on the left and right side
of the area. Watch out for Poseidon's electric attacks and claw swipes!
Damage all the claws to trigger the next sequence.
Grapple on to Gaia's hand to face Poseidon. Dodge his Trident and wait
for him to pull away. Attack him with hard combos while dodging his
attacks. After lots of damage is dealt, Poseidon will keel over, so
climb to the top above his head (use the nearby cliff) and activate the
Press the TWO Context buttons and then rapidly tap the Circle button
and then ONE more Context button to trigger the second sequence. Damage
the claws until they are all off. Grapple THREE times and then press
the Context button to complete the battle!
Activate the SPECIAL ATTACK sequence and press the SEVEN Context
Buttons to beat Poseidon to a bloody pulp. Complete the sequence by
pressing the L3+R3 Buttons to end the battle.
Approach the Save Point to save your progress.
Jump onto Gaia's hand to trigger the next cutscene.
As you swim the river, Kratos will lose all of his abilities. His
health will be cut in half and his magic will completely be taken away.
Swim to the other side and walk to the next area.
After the cutscene, use the grapple to the next area and clear out the
enemies. Use Kratos' new move called the Grapple Pull to gain an edge
on the enemies. The Grapple Pull is a great move for bigger enemies and
can slow them down. Press the L1+Circle Button to grapple in closer
with a shoulder ram.
In this area with the non-working portal, there is a Gorgon Eye chest
at the bottom! There is a set of vines just near where you landed from
the grapple point. Slide down the vines and find the chest around the
corner for a Gorgon Eye!
Clear the area of the baddies and approach the Save Point.
There are two areas to explore. The area on the left contains a series
of chests. If you want to grab those items, then do it. Otherwise,
continue on to the right side to encounter a series of enemies.
In this sequence, Kratos will have temporary Infinite Magic, so summon
forth those Spartan boys and use them to kill off all the enemies that
appear. From there, jump up to the large chain and shimmy to the other
side. Kill off all the enemies on the chain and jump to the platform.
Collect all the goodies and then continue down the platform towards the
large double-doors. Open the large doors to encounter a familiar enemy.
This battle consists of a Gorgon and lots of lackeys. Use defensive
rolls to roll away from her Gorgon stare and use blocks for her tail
swipes. Damage her with hard combos and then kill it off with the
Kill off both Gorgon enemies and then clear out the other baddies in
any way you want. Open the doors and enter the next area. Traverse the
cave and enter the next area.
In this area, you'll find Peirithous bound to a chair behind a wall of
Bramble (red roots) and a caged fire-breathing Cerberus on the other
side. Yup, it's time for your first REAL puzzle!
First, jump up the ledge and jump on the large platform above
Peirithous. This will lower the platform and open the gates on the
other side.
See that ledge across from you? Glide on towards that ledge to find a
large wicker pot of Bramble. Grab the wicker and push it out to the
floor below. Now drag the wicker pot towards the fire-breathing
Cerberus and place the pot in front of the cage to light it up!
Leave the burning bramble near the cage and go back to the platform
above Peirithous. Jump on the platform to open the gates above the
caged Cerberus. From there, quickly run towards the cage and use the
burning Bramble to float higher towards the open cage above.
Now activate the lever to open the Cerberus cage. Jump down and damage
the Cerberus until the Context buttons appear. Press those buttons and
Kratos will mount onto Cerberus!
Guide Cerberus towards Peirithous (burn all the enemies in the way) and
use a fireball attack on Peirithous to complete the puzzle and gain a
new weapon: the BOW OF APOLLO.
From this point, Kratos can use the Bow Of Apollo to burn any bramble
that he sees. Press and hold the L2+Square Button to fire up a charged
arrow and then release it to burn off the bramble.
There is a Phoenix Feather inside the Peirithous Chamber! At the other
end near the Cerberus cage, there is some Bramble above one of the
cages, do you see it? Fire a charged arrow at it to burn off the
Bramble and then use the smoke from the wicker to float higher. Glide
towards the newly opened ledge to find the PHOENIX FEATHER.
Exit the chamber and burn off the Bramble to reveal the Save Point!
Enter the next area to see some chests and some Bramble. Shoot an arrow
at the Bramble to find a chest with a Minotaur Horn! From there,
continue up the hall to the next area.
A bunch of flying rodents will appear in this area. Use grab moves to
make short work of the harpies. Grab them on the ground and grab them
in the air to kill them faster.
When the area is cleared, continue down the hall and jump and glide to
the bottom platform. From there, shimmy on the walls to the top of the
area, BUT WAIT!
As you jump from wall-to-wall, you will see a waterfall on the LEFT
side, do you see it? As you reach the top ledge, shimmy all the way to
the left and jump over the waterfall to find a chest with a Gorgon Eye!
AWESOME! Now go back to where you were and shimmy all the way to the
top of the area.
Climb your way to the top and then jump and climb the large pillar to
the next area.
Jump and grapple towards the next platform and approach the circular
plate and inspect it.
Approach the pedestal with the book and read it to start the trials.
All three trials consist of the same thing: kill, kill, kill!
During the trial, you will encounter a new big enemy: the Minotaur.
These guys are quite tough and like to use uppercuts. But the quickest
way to dispatch them is to use the Combat Grapple attack.
Press the L1+Circle button to grapple onto the Minotaur and ram him
with your shoulder (followed by hard combo attacks). When prompted,
kill him off by rapidly tapping the Circle Button. Complete all three
trials by killing all the Gorgon, Minotaurs, harpies, etc.
From there, approach the circular plate and step on top of it to
trigger a cutscene.
After the cutscene, approach the Save Point on the left side.
Enter thru the portal on the right side to enter the top of the area.
There is nothing to do in the upper area, so simply make your way to
the other side.
Slice down the Minotaurs that show up and continue past the gaps until
you reach the Bronze statue.
Jump towards the large chain and shimmy to the other side. There are no
enemies here, so keep going and then jump down to the ledge. Continue
down the path and shimmy in between the large crevasse to the other
side. Work your way up the hall while eliminating some baddies until
you reach a dead end.
First thing's first, shoot a charged arrow at the Bramble to light it
up. Jump on top of the hot heat and glide to the top of the area.
Eliminate the enemies that appear and then activate the lever to bring
down the elevator.
Quickly jump on the elevator and then exit the upper ledge. Towards the
wall is a large Bramble wicker pot. Grab that thing and pull it out.
Slice up the baddies and then jump down to the elevator below.
Activate the lever again and jump on the elevator. Grab the wicker pot
and slide it to the elevator. Again, slice up the enemies that appear
and then drag the wicker pot and kick it to the lower area (with all
the smoke) to light it up even more! Now jump down to the bottom and
then glide up to the platform above to lower it.
Climb to the top of the platform and open the door in front of you. A
big gang of demon hands will block your way, so slice them down and
then approach the two chests for goodies including a PHOENIX FEATHER!
Now go back out and glide all the way to the very top of the area.
Traverse the halls and go all the way to the top.
Approach the pedestal and read the book. After you read the book, all
the statues with the hammers will come to life! These Hammer dudes are
quite strong but only have limited attacks.
Kratos can block their Hammer swipes if he isn't countering. To defeat
them, use the Grapple Pull+Square button to make short work of these
guys. Be defensive when fighting these guys and they should be no
problem to defeat. Just be sure not to press the wrong Context button!
When the area is clear, continue down the stairs to a new area.
Make your way up the stairs to encounter Hephaestus.
After the cutscene, make aright turn to find the Save Point.
Activate the nearby lever to open the door at the bottom of the stairs.
Make your way downstairs to the large rotating room. Rotate the crank
all the way until it stops at the Bramble blocking the way (there is
another secret area you can access when rotating the crank that
contains a whole bunch of dogs and two chests).
Shoot the Bramble with an arrow to clear the way. Navigate the path all
the way to the bottom to trigger a cutscene.
With the Blade Of Olympus on hand, activate the RAGE OF THE SPARTANS
and destroy all the enemies that show up. When the area is cleared,
jump down to the bottom and grapple towards the Save Point. Clear out
the enemies first and SAVE if you need to.
As you make your way towards the large doors, use a charged arrow to
burn the Bramble blocking the doorway and to trigger a small battle
with two Cerberus dogs.
These dogs aren't so tough! Simply abuse the Grapple Pull+Square Button
attack while blocking their fireballs. Use Context buttons to kill off
both mongrels. From there, open the doors and enter the next area.
More baddies and doggies will show up for a party, so slice them down
to clear them out and then open the doorway and head up the stairs.
This puzzle comes in two parts (that's what she said). First, you need
to open the doorway on the second floor. There is a large wheel on the
left side of the room and a large crate of flat tiles on the right side
of the area.
Grab the crate of tiles on the right side and drag it towards the large
wheel. Kill off the harpies and then activate the wheel to open the
doors on the second floor. From there, quickly grab the crate of tiles
and place it UNDER the wheel so that it doesn't rotate back.
Climb up the large white tree and jump on the second floor. Enter the
doorway to trigger some Minotaurs and other baddies. Slice them all
down to clear the area. Make your way up the halls to the third floor
with the Hades statue.
And now comes the tedious part. Rotate the crank to bring up a coffin.
After the cutscene, press the R1 button to activate ladders on both
sides of the room. Eliminate the enemies to clear the area first!
Before you do anything, take the path to the left and all the way to
the back. There is a hidden ladder that leads to the top of the statue
where you will find a chest with a Phoenix Feather! Now jump back down.
Take the ladder on the LEFT side of the room and climb it to the top.
DO NOT touch anything in the room yet! Instead approach the nearby
lever to lower the platform back to the first floor.
Open the metal gate and grab the crate of tiles (slice up the Harpies
first) and drag the crate back to the platform and then pull the lever
and go back up.
At the top, drag the crate near the large wheel. From here, go back
down to the large crank and rotate it. Quickly climb the LEFT ladder
again and activate the wheel to clasp Hades' right hand. From there,
quickly drag the crate of tiles UNDER the wheel to keep it from moving.
WHEW, now for the right side of the room! Go back down towards the
crank and rotate it all the way around. From there, take the ladder on
the RIGHT side to the top. Activate the nearby wheel n the room to
solve the puzzle!
From here, I suggest you go back down to the first floor and SAVE your
game because the next part will be a boss battle.
With the puzzle solved, approach the coffin in front of the pedestal
and press R1 to open up the path and trigger a boss battle!
After the cutscene, rapidly tap the L1+R1 buttons to avoid getting your
soul stolen! The battle with Hades is a 5-part affair, so be ready for
a lengthy and brutally bloody battle!
Hades has a big collection of attacks in his arsenal. He uses his claw
weapons and likes to use his stomp attack. A lot. All of these simple
attacks can be evade and blocked, so be ready roll away from him when
he starts flinging the claws.
Hades also has FOUR (count 'em, FOUR) Special attacks that he uses.
The first one is his Grapple attack. After damage is dealt to him, he
grapples to the ceiling and jumps down for a tremor attack. To avoid
damage, double-jump just before he lands on the floor.
The second Special move is his "Hell Awaits" chain attack where he
summons a billion chains from the floor. To avoid damage for this one,
the entire floor will turn black except for one small area. Quickly
roll towards that little area to avoid getting shanked.
His third Special attack is his Chain Spike attack where he sticks both
chains on the ground and spikes protrude all over the arena. To avoid
damage for this, simply run around in a circular motion until he stops
the attack.
For this attack, he summons three floating heads to come after you.
Simply attack these souls to disperse them.
The battle with the Hades starts off as a 3-part battle followed by two
more waves. To damage him properly, abuse the Grapple Pull+Square
Button attack. Dodge all his attacks I mentioned above until the
Context button appears.
Approach him and rapidly tap the Circle Button to rip out a shred of
his skin. After the skin chunk is ripped out, quickly approach that
piece of flesh and destroy it! From there, continue to dodge Hades'
attacks and repeat this strategy TWO more times!
After the third time, Kratos and Hades will enter a tug-of-war match
with their weapons. Keep using hard attacks (while avoiding getting
thrown into the water) until the Circle Button appears above his head.
Press the Context button and rapidly tap the Circle Button to end the
fourth wave. With the Hades Claws in hand, slay all the soldiers that
appear and Hades will appear ONE more time.
In the final wave, evade Hades' hand attacks by grappling behind. Use
the Grapple Point on the upper left or right sides and get behind him
and pound all those combos on him. There's no tricky part, so just
damage him until he keels over. From there, complete the Context
buttons to defeat Hades!
After the battle with Hades, Save your game!
Dive into the water and swim all the way down to the bottom to find the
HADES' HELM item! Now swim to the other side and jump out.
Clear out all the baddies using the Soul Summon Magic. Once that's done,
dive into the water and swim to the next area and dive out. Activate
the lever and then swim to the other side and dive out back to the
Forge area.
After the cutscene, make your way back down the stairs of the Forge to
the rotating crank room. As you rotate the crank, the Hammer dudes will
come to life, so clear them out with your hot Hades weapon! Clear them
out and then rotate the crank all the way around.
Exit the area and jump and grapple towards the open portal on the other
side of the Realm. Clear out the archers and then approach the portal
to return back to Olympia.
Make your way around the bridge to encounter Gaia. After the cutscene,
approach her arm and slice it off. From there, clear the path by
shoving her hand outta the way to clear the area. Approach the doorway
to trigger a battle.
A whole bunch of Olympian enemies will appear. Slice down every single
one of them and the doors will open. Enter inside to a dark cavern.
Follow the instructions and shoot the Harpy. When it gets close,
grapple the Harpy and fly towards the next higher ledge. Now go around
the corner and cross the next gap using the Harpies.
You do NOT have to hold the R1+O Button when hanging from the Harpy!
Press the jump button when the next Harpy is close by and Kratos will
automatically jump and grab it.
Make it to the other side of the cavern to the end. Glide towards the
adjacent rooftop to encounter another stream of soldiers. Once a whole
bunch of the baddies has been destroyed, a Centaur jumps out!
To weaken the Centaur quickly, you can use the Grapple Pull attack OR
you can damage one of the soldiers and then grab and use them as a
Battering Ram towards the Centaur. Keep using soldiers as Battering
Rams to weaken him and the Context buttons will appear! Defeat the
Centaur with a gruesome finisher to open up the next area.
After the Centaur is dead, make your way up to the upper roof walkway
to encounter a Titan. Approach the large strongbow to trigger another
enemy battle!
This hybrid enemy may seem tough, but you just need to be defensive to
defeat it! The battle is in three parts: you have to kill the Snake
tail, then the Lion's head, and then the Ram's head.
Block the Snake's melee attacks and then counter back with a hard combo.
Use the Grapple Pull +Square Combo for more damage. Repeat this tactic
and the Circle button will appear above its head after lots of hits.
Grab it and finish it off!
When fighting the Lion's head, use lots of evasive maneuvers! The Lion
likes to use fireballs, so block and then counter. Defeat the Lion's
head and then it'll be just the Ram's head.
The Ram is a bit tricky because it likes to jump away and then charge
at you (because it's a RAM!). Just Grapple Pull to get closer to him
and pound the hard combos until the Circle buttons appears. You know
what to do from there.
Once the hybrid beast is dead, approach the Strongbow and activate it.
Hold for a few seconds and wait for Helios (the flaming one on the
flying chariot) to fly within shooting distance of the arrow and then
fling an arrow at him. If done correctly, Helios will stumble and the
Titan will grab him.
Refill on health and then go back down to the rooftops. See those
Harpies across the chasm? Shoot the first one and then grapple it. Jump
from Harpy to Harpy until you reach the other side.
Defeat all the baddies that show up to clear the area. From there,
enter the large hallway to encounter a larger gang of baddies. Use the
Battering Ram move on all of them to clear them out.
With the hallways cleared, open all the chests for some goodies and
then exit the sanctum outside. Cross the bridge and then jump on the
ledge next to the doorway and climb up.
Shimmy to the other end of the burning building to encounter a civilian.
Press the Circle button to get him out of the way and then press the R1
Button to shimmy down past the open flames. Jump up past the flames and
continue to shimmy towards the end. Jump to the top of the building to
trigger a cutscene.
A group of shielded soldiers will encircle around Helios to guard him.
After a few combos, a new enemy pops out!
The Cyclops is a strong beast and can really frustrate you with its
constant cheap attacks. But all you have to do is stay defensive and
evade behind him. Roll away from its club attacks and get behind him
and then pound those combos!
Another thing you can do is use the soldiers for a Battering Ram. After
lots of damage is done, the Circle Button will appear above its head.
Grab the Cyclops and press the Context buttons to ride that thing! When
Kratos is on top of the Cyclops, he can temporarily control its actions
to attack the soldiers. Clear out the soldiers and then when prompted,
kill the Cyclops with the Context buttons.
When the area is cleared, refill on health and then approach Helios to
trigger a cutscene.
After Helios screams "Feel the power of the Sun!" Kratos will not be
able to see in front of him. Use the Right Analog Stick to move Kratos'
right hand to block the sunlight. Keep moving his hand to block the
bright light until Kratos moves in closer for the kill.
When he's close, use the Context buttons to kill Helios and rip out his
head. From here, you can use the Helios Head to find secret chests and
secret paths! Woo-hoo!
Whenever you see floating gold dust in a certain area, use the Helios
Head and shine a bright light to reveal a secret chest. Speaking of
which, there is some gold dust just across from Helios' dead body. Use
the Helios Head to reveal the chest with a Minotaur Horn!
Now stand in front of the large rock wall behind Helios' dead body and
take out the Helios Head. Press and hold the L2 Button to reveal a
metal door behind the wall. Keep moving the head around the wall until
the whole door appears.
What it do, nephews! Ready to continue where we last left off from the
last game? Sure ya are!
Re-acquaint yourself with the controls and practice your fighting
skills against the enemies that show up. For faster results, use
Kratos' new ability called the Battering Ram.
To clear away multiple numbers of enemies, grab the one baddie with the
Circle button and then press and hold the Square Button while running
around to use him as a Battering Ram. By using this move, you can clear
out large groups pretty quickly! Defeat the group to trigger a cutscene.
After Gaia clears the flaming path, approach it and press the R1 Button
and then rapidly tap the Circle Button to lift the tree trunk. Clear
out all the enemies in the way and then work your way up the hill to
meet a new sub-boss!
This giant horsey-crab hybrid may look like a toughie, but with your
skills, it's just a walk in the park. To damage the enemy quickly, use
double jumps and attack from the air. Dodge the horsey's water breath
by rolling away to the left or right.
Continue to damage the horsey until the next part where Kratos hangs
from the ceiling. Move towards the horse and continue to swing at it
while moving from its claw swipes.
When the perspective changes again, climb UP the wall to the top and
continue to damage the horsey with hard attacks. As you continually
damage it, the horse will finally keel over and the Circle Button will
appear above its head. Activate the Context Buttons to start the first
SPECIAL ATTACK Sequence. Press the FOUR buttons that appear onscreen to
complete the battle.
Climb to the right side and work your way to the top of the area.
Approach the chest to obtain some goodies. Now use the Ledge Climb to
traverse along the nearby ledge to the other side.
As Gaia takes damage, continue to shimmy the ledge to the next area.
Disperse the baddies waiting for you by using the Battering Ram move to
clear out the area.
Take the nearby ladder to the top of the cliff with more enemies. Again,
use the Battering Ram move to clear them all out. Open the GREEN chest
if you need to and then jump to the nearby ledge and use the GRAPPLE
move to jump to the other side.
Clear out more enemies with the Battering Ram move and then take the
ladder up. Climb up and then jump to the left to grab the ledge. Shimmy
all the way to the left. Climb up all the way to the top to trigger a
cutscene with Gaia.
Unfortunately, you cannot help Gaia from this ledge, so continue up the
path and use the ICARUS GLIDE and float to the next ledge. Open the
giant door to enter the Tomb Of Ares.
A new enemy emerges from inside: the Guardian Centaur! To avoid getting
badly damaged, use defensive tactics. Block his attacks and then swing
a bevy of hard attacks to damage him quickly.
After a series of hard attacks, the Circle button will float above the
Centaur's head, so activate the SPECIAL ATTACK sequence and press the
FOUR Context Sensitive buttons to kill him off. Clear out the remaining
baddies by using them as Battering Rams.
If you can't figure this simple puzzle out within a few seconds, then
you must be relatively new, otherwise, this one is a cinch! Activate
the nearby lever to move the elevator platform. Climb the ladder to the
top and get on the platform. When it moves to the next side, double-
jump off to find the very first SAVE POINT!
Work your way up the hall and open the metal gate. The Leviathan's claw
will come crashing down, so rapidly tap the Circle Button to fend it
off and trigger the next battle.
For this battle, you'll have to watch out for the horsey's giant claws.
Use lots of hard attacks while dodging those claws. After lots of
damage, the Circle Button appears, so activate the SPECIAL ATTACK and
press the THREE Context Buttons and then rapidly tap the Circle Button
to destroy the claw.
The claw will be sitting on the let side of the screen but DO NOT
access it yet! Continue to damage the horsey while dodging its water
breath and claw swipes. Use a mixture of aerial attacks to damage it
faster! After more damage is caused, activate the SPECIAL ATTACK and
rapidly tap the L1+R1 buttons to open up its chest.
Approach the large claw and the swing it towards its chest to end this
part of the battle.
The area is empty, so just approach the next area and shimmy between
the cracks to the other side. Climb and shimmy through the branches
until you reach Gaia's heart.
See that shining object on the right side wall? Grab hold of it and
pull the giant rock wall out. Rotate the wall 180 degrees (use the
Right Analog Stick) and then move it to the left side of the area.
Place the wall in between the empty crevasse to solve the puzzle!
Now climb the vines to the top and then grapple to the next area. Climb
to the top to encounter more enemies. Clear them out and continue down
the path to find more vines.
Jump and grapple higher while clearing more enemies all the way to the
top to trigger the first boss battle!
First thing's first, damage the giant claws on the left and right side
of the area. Watch out for Poseidon's electric attacks and claw swipes!
Damage all the claws to trigger the next sequence.
Grapple on to Gaia's hand to face Poseidon. Dodge his Trident and wait
for him to pull away. Attack him with hard combos while dodging his
attacks. After lots of damage is dealt, Poseidon will keel over, so
climb to the top above his head (use the nearby cliff) and activate the
Press the TWO Context buttons and then rapidly tap the Circle button
and then ONE more Context button to trigger the second sequence. Damage
the claws until they are all off. Grapple THREE times and then press
the Context button to complete the battle!
Activate the SPECIAL ATTACK sequence and press the SEVEN Context
Buttons to beat Poseidon to a bloody pulp. Complete the sequence by
pressing the L3+R3 Buttons to end the battle.
Approach the Save Point to save your progress.
Jump onto Gaia's hand to trigger the next cutscene.
As you swim the river, Kratos will lose all of his abilities. His
health will be cut in half and his magic will completely be taken away.
Swim to the other side and walk to the next area.
After the cutscene, use the grapple to the next area and clear out the
enemies. Use Kratos' new move called the Grapple Pull to gain an edge
on the enemies. The Grapple Pull is a great move for bigger enemies and
can slow them down. Press the L1+Circle Button to grapple in closer
with a shoulder ram.
In this area with the non-working portal, there is a Gorgon Eye chest
at the bottom! There is a set of vines just near where you landed from
the grapple point. Slide down the vines and find the chest around the
corner for a Gorgon Eye!
Clear the area of the baddies and approach the Save Point.
There are two areas to explore. The area on the left contains a series
of chests. If you want to grab those items, then do it. Otherwise,
continue on to the right side to encounter a series of enemies.
In this sequence, Kratos will have temporary Infinite Magic, so summon
forth those Spartan boys and use them to kill off all the enemies that
appear. From there, jump up to the large chain and shimmy to the other
side. Kill off all the enemies on the chain and jump to the platform.
Collect all the goodies and then continue down the platform towards the
large double-doors. Open the large doors to encounter a familiar enemy.
This battle consists of a Gorgon and lots of lackeys. Use defensive
rolls to roll away from her Gorgon stare and use blocks for her tail
swipes. Damage her with hard combos and then kill it off with the
Kill off both Gorgon enemies and then clear out the other baddies in
any way you want. Open the doors and enter the next area. Traverse the
cave and enter the next area.
In this area, you'll find Peirithous bound to a chair behind a wall of
Bramble (red roots) and a caged fire-breathing Cerberus on the other
side. Yup, it's time for your first REAL puzzle!
First, jump up the ledge and jump on the large platform above
Peirithous. This will lower the platform and open the gates on the
other side.
See that ledge across from you? Glide on towards that ledge to find a
large wicker pot of Bramble. Grab the wicker and push it out to the
floor below. Now drag the wicker pot towards the fire-breathing
Cerberus and place the pot in front of the cage to light it up!
Leave the burning bramble near the cage and go back to the platform
above Peirithous. Jump on the platform to open the gates above the
caged Cerberus. From there, quickly run towards the cage and use the
burning Bramble to float higher towards the open cage above.
Now activate the lever to open the Cerberus cage. Jump down and damage
the Cerberus until the Context buttons appear. Press those buttons and
Kratos will mount onto Cerberus!
Guide Cerberus towards Peirithous (burn all the enemies in the way) and
use a fireball attack on Peirithous to complete the puzzle and gain a
new weapon: the BOW OF APOLLO.
From this point, Kratos can use the Bow Of Apollo to burn any bramble
that he sees. Press and hold the L2+Square Button to fire up a charged
arrow and then release it to burn off the bramble.
There is a Phoenix Feather inside the Peirithous Chamber! At the other
end near the Cerberus cage, there is some Bramble above one of the
cages, do you see it? Fire a charged arrow at it to burn off the
Bramble and then use the smoke from the wicker to float higher. Glide
towards the newly opened ledge to find the PHOENIX FEATHER.
Exit the chamber and burn off the Bramble to reveal the Save Point!
Enter the next area to see some chests and some Bramble. Shoot an arrow
at the Bramble to find a chest with a Minotaur Horn! From there,
continue up the hall to the next area.
A bunch of flying rodents will appear in this area. Use grab moves to
make short work of the harpies. Grab them on the ground and grab them
in the air to kill them faster.
When the area is cleared, continue down the hall and jump and glide to
the bottom platform. From there, shimmy on the walls to the top of the
area, BUT WAIT!
As you jump from wall-to-wall, you will see a waterfall on the LEFT
side, do you see it? As you reach the top ledge, shimmy all the way to
the left and jump over the waterfall to find a chest with a Gorgon Eye!
AWESOME! Now go back to where you were and shimmy all the way to the
top of the area.
Climb your way to the top and then jump and climb the large pillar to
the next area.
Jump and grapple towards the next platform and approach the circular
plate and inspect it.
Approach the pedestal with the book and read it to start the trials.
All three trials consist of the same thing: kill, kill, kill!
During the trial, you will encounter a new big enemy: the Minotaur.
These guys are quite tough and like to use uppercuts. But the quickest
way to dispatch them is to use the Combat Grapple attack.
Press the L1+Circle button to grapple onto the Minotaur and ram him
with your shoulder (followed by hard combo attacks). When prompted,
kill him off by rapidly tapping the Circle Button. Complete all three
trials by killing all the Gorgon, Minotaurs, harpies, etc.
From there, approach the circular plate and step on top of it to
trigger a cutscene.
After the cutscene, approach the Save Point on the left side.
Enter thru the portal on the right side to enter the top of the area.
There is nothing to do in the upper area, so simply make your way to
the other side.
Slice down the Minotaurs that show up and continue past the gaps until
you reach the Bronze statue.
Jump towards the large chain and shimmy to the other side. There are no
enemies here, so keep going and then jump down to the ledge. Continue
down the path and shimmy in between the large crevasse to the other
side. Work your way up the hall while eliminating some baddies until
you reach a dead end.
First thing's first, shoot a charged arrow at the Bramble to light it
up. Jump on top of the hot heat and glide to the top of the area.
Eliminate the enemies that appear and then activate the lever to bring
down the elevator.
Quickly jump on the elevator and then exit the upper ledge. Towards the
wall is a large Bramble wicker pot. Grab that thing and pull it out.
Slice up the baddies and then jump down to the elevator below.
Activate the lever again and jump on the elevator. Grab the wicker pot
and slide it to the elevator. Again, slice up the enemies that appear
and then drag the wicker pot and kick it to the lower area (with all
the smoke) to light it up even more! Now jump down to the bottom and
then glide up to the platform above to lower it.
Climb to the top of the platform and open the door in front of you. A
big gang of demon hands will block your way, so slice them down and
then approach the two chests for goodies including a PHOENIX FEATHER!
Now go back out and glide all the way to the very top of the area.
Traverse the halls and go all the way to the top.
Approach the pedestal and read the book. After you read the book, all
the statues with the hammers will come to life! These Hammer dudes are
quite strong but only have limited attacks.
Kratos can block their Hammer swipes if he isn't countering. To defeat
them, use the Grapple Pull+Square button to make short work of these
guys. Be defensive when fighting these guys and they should be no
problem to defeat. Just be sure not to press the wrong Context button!
When the area is clear, continue down the stairs to a new area.
Make your way up the stairs to encounter Hephaestus.
After the cutscene, make aright turn to find the Save Point.
Activate the nearby lever to open the door at the bottom of the stairs.
Make your way downstairs to the large rotating room. Rotate the crank
all the way until it stops at the Bramble blocking the way (there is
another secret area you can access when rotating the crank that
contains a whole bunch of dogs and two chests).
Shoot the Bramble with an arrow to clear the way. Navigate the path all
the way to the bottom to trigger a cutscene.
With the Blade Of Olympus on hand, activate the RAGE OF THE SPARTANS
and destroy all the enemies that show up. When the area is cleared,
jump down to the bottom and grapple towards the Save Point. Clear out
the enemies first and SAVE if you need to.
As you make your way towards the large doors, use a charged arrow to
burn the Bramble blocking the doorway and to trigger a small battle
with two Cerberus dogs.
These dogs aren't so tough! Simply abuse the Grapple Pull+Square Button
attack while blocking their fireballs. Use Context buttons to kill off
both mongrels. From there, open the doors and enter the next area.
More baddies and doggies will show up for a party, so slice them down
to clear them out and then open the doorway and head up the stairs.
This puzzle comes in two parts (that's what she said). First, you need
to open the doorway on the second floor. There is a large wheel on the
left side of the room and a large crate of flat tiles on the right side
of the area.
Grab the crate of tiles on the right side and drag it towards the large
wheel. Kill off the harpies and then activate the wheel to open the
doors on the second floor. From there, quickly grab the crate of tiles
and place it UNDER the wheel so that it doesn't rotate back.
Climb up the large white tree and jump on the second floor. Enter the
doorway to trigger some Minotaurs and other baddies. Slice them all
down to clear the area. Make your way up the halls to the third floor
with the Hades statue.
And now comes the tedious part. Rotate the crank to bring up a coffin.
After the cutscene, press the R1 button to activate ladders on both
sides of the room. Eliminate the enemies to clear the area first!
Before you do anything, take the path to the left and all the way to
the back. There is a hidden ladder that leads to the top of the statue
where you will find a chest with a Phoenix Feather! Now jump back down.
Take the ladder on the LEFT side of the room and climb it to the top.
DO NOT touch anything in the room yet! Instead approach the nearby
lever to lower the platform back to the first floor.
Open the metal gate and grab the crate of tiles (slice up the Harpies
first) and drag the crate back to the platform and then pull the lever
and go back up.
At the top, drag the crate near the large wheel. From here, go back
down to the large crank and rotate it. Quickly climb the LEFT ladder
again and activate the wheel to clasp Hades' right hand. From there,
quickly drag the crate of tiles UNDER the wheel to keep it from moving.
WHEW, now for the right side of the room! Go back down towards the
crank and rotate it all the way around. From there, take the ladder on
the RIGHT side to the top. Activate the nearby wheel n the room to
solve the puzzle!
From here, I suggest you go back down to the first floor and SAVE your
game because the next part will be a boss battle.
With the puzzle solved, approach the coffin in front of the pedestal
and press R1 to open up the path and trigger a boss battle!
After the cutscene, rapidly tap the L1+R1 buttons to avoid getting your
soul stolen! The battle with Hades is a 5-part affair, so be ready for
a lengthy and brutally bloody battle!
Hades has a big collection of attacks in his arsenal. He uses his claw
weapons and likes to use his stomp attack. A lot. All of these simple
attacks can be evade and blocked, so be ready roll away from him when
he starts flinging the claws.
Hades also has FOUR (count 'em, FOUR) Special attacks that he uses.
The first one is his Grapple attack. After damage is dealt to him, he
grapples to the ceiling and jumps down for a tremor attack. To avoid
damage, double-jump just before he lands on the floor.
The second Special move is his "Hell Awaits" chain attack where he
summons a billion chains from the floor. To avoid damage for this one,
the entire floor will turn black except for one small area. Quickly
roll towards that little area to avoid getting shanked.
His third Special attack is his Chain Spike attack where he sticks both
chains on the ground and spikes protrude all over the arena. To avoid
damage for this, simply run around in a circular motion until he stops
the attack.
For this attack, he summons three floating heads to come after you.
Simply attack these souls to disperse them.
The battle with the Hades starts off as a 3-part battle followed by two
more waves. To damage him properly, abuse the Grapple Pull+Square
Button attack. Dodge all his attacks I mentioned above until the
Context button appears.
Approach him and rapidly tap the Circle Button to rip out a shred of
his skin. After the skin chunk is ripped out, quickly approach that
piece of flesh and destroy it! From there, continue to dodge Hades'
attacks and repeat this strategy TWO more times!
After the third time, Kratos and Hades will enter a tug-of-war match
with their weapons. Keep using hard attacks (while avoiding getting
thrown into the water) until the Circle Button appears above his head.
Press the Context button and rapidly tap the Circle Button to end the
fourth wave. With the Hades Claws in hand, slay all the soldiers that
appear and Hades will appear ONE more time.
In the final wave, evade Hades' hand attacks by grappling behind. Use
the Grapple Point on the upper left or right sides and get behind him
and pound all those combos on him. There's no tricky part, so just
damage him until he keels over. From there, complete the Context
buttons to defeat Hades!
After the battle with Hades, Save your game!
Dive into the water and swim all the way down to the bottom to find the
HADES' HELM item! Now swim to the other side and jump out.
Clear out all the baddies using the Soul Summon Magic. Once that's done,
dive into the water and swim to the next area and dive out. Activate
the lever and then swim to the other side and dive out back to the
Forge area.
After the cutscene, make your way back down the stairs of the Forge to
the rotating crank room. As you rotate the crank, the Hammer dudes will
come to life, so clear them out with your hot Hades weapon! Clear them
out and then rotate the crank all the way around.
Exit the area and jump and grapple towards the open portal on the other
side of the Realm. Clear out the archers and then approach the portal
to return back to Olympia.
Make your way around the bridge to encounter Gaia. After the cutscene,
approach her arm and slice it off. From there, clear the path by
shoving her hand outta the way to clear the area. Approach the doorway
to trigger a battle.
A whole bunch of Olympian enemies will appear. Slice down every single
one of them and the doors will open. Enter inside to a dark cavern.
Follow the instructions and shoot the Harpy. When it gets close,
grapple the Harpy and fly towards the next higher ledge. Now go around
the corner and cross the next gap using the Harpies.
You do NOT have to hold the R1+O Button when hanging from the Harpy!
Press the jump button when the next Harpy is close by and Kratos will
automatically jump and grab it.
Make it to the other side of the cavern to the end. Glide towards the
adjacent rooftop to encounter another stream of soldiers. Once a whole
bunch of the baddies has been destroyed, a Centaur jumps out!
To weaken the Centaur quickly, you can use the Grapple Pull attack OR
you can damage one of the soldiers and then grab and use them as a
Battering Ram towards the Centaur. Keep using soldiers as Battering
Rams to weaken him and the Context buttons will appear! Defeat the
Centaur with a gruesome finisher to open up the next area.
After the Centaur is dead, make your way up to the upper roof walkway
to encounter a Titan. Approach the large strongbow to trigger another
enemy battle!
This hybrid enemy may seem tough, but you just need to be defensive to
defeat it! The battle is in three parts: you have to kill the Snake
tail, then the Lion's head, and then the Ram's head.
Block the Snake's melee attacks and then counter back with a hard combo.
Use the Grapple Pull +Square Combo for more damage. Repeat this tactic
and the Circle button will appear above its head after lots of hits.
Grab it and finish it off!
When fighting the Lion's head, use lots of evasive maneuvers! The Lion
likes to use fireballs, so block and then counter. Defeat the Lion's
head and then it'll be just the Ram's head.
The Ram is a bit tricky because it likes to jump away and then charge
at you (because it's a RAM!). Just Grapple Pull to get closer to him
and pound the hard combos until the Circle buttons appears. You know
what to do from there.
Once the hybrid beast is dead, approach the Strongbow and activate it.
Hold for a few seconds and wait for Helios (the flaming one on the
flying chariot) to fly within shooting distance of the arrow and then
fling an arrow at him. If done correctly, Helios will stumble and the
Titan will grab him.
Refill on health and then go back down to the rooftops. See those
Harpies across the chasm? Shoot the first one and then grapple it. Jump
from Harpy to Harpy until you reach the other side.
Defeat all the baddies that show up to clear the area. From there,
enter the large hallway to encounter a larger gang of baddies. Use the
Battering Ram move on all of them to clear them out.
With the hallways cleared, open all the chests for some goodies and
then exit the sanctum outside. Cross the bridge and then jump on the
ledge next to the doorway and climb up.
Shimmy to the other end of the burning building to encounter a civilian.
Press the Circle button to get him out of the way and then press the R1
Button to shimmy down past the open flames. Jump up past the flames and
continue to shimmy towards the end. Jump to the top of the building to
trigger a cutscene.
A group of shielded soldiers will encircle around Helios to guard him.
After a few combos, a new enemy pops out!
The Cyclops is a strong beast and can really frustrate you with its
constant cheap attacks. But all you have to do is stay defensive and
evade behind him. Roll away from its club attacks and get behind him
and then pound those combos!
Another thing you can do is use the soldiers for a Battering Ram. After
lots of damage is done, the Circle Button will appear above its head.
Grab the Cyclops and press the Context buttons to ride that thing! When
Kratos is on top of the Cyclops, he can temporarily control its actions
to attack the soldiers. Clear out the soldiers and then when prompted,
kill the Cyclops with the Context buttons.
When the area is cleared, refill on health and then approach Helios to
trigger a cutscene.
After Helios screams "Feel the power of the Sun!" Kratos will not be
able to see in front of him. Use the Right Analog Stick to move Kratos'
right hand to block the sunlight. Keep moving his hand to block the
bright light until Kratos moves in closer for the kill.
When he's close, use the Context buttons to kill Helios and rip out his
head. From here, you can use the Helios Head to find secret chests and
secret paths! Woo-hoo!
Whenever you see floating gold dust in a certain area, use the Helios
Head and shine a bright light to reveal a secret chest. Speaking of
which, there is some gold dust just across from Helios' dead body. Use
the Helios Head to reveal the chest with a Minotaur Horn!
Now stand in front of the large rock wall behind Helios' dead body and
take out the Helios Head. Press and hold the L2 Button to reveal a
metal door behind the wall. Keep moving the head around the wall until
the whole door appears.
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