OMG Dota 6.64 Map 1.04e Download

OMG Dota 6.64 Map 1.04e Download

1. What is map with OMG mode
1.1. Random Abilities submode
1.2. Abilities Draft submode
1.3. Additional info and commands
2. Checking skills system
3. Additional skills info
4. Upcoming features
5. Older versions and changelogs

OMG mode has its own forum at Don't see that site has .ru domain, forum is in English. Feel free to join us and chat or flame with us.

1. Dota OMG is the map based on one of latest DotA Allstars map (currently 6.64), with one big change — heroes allowed to have any ability.
There are two ways to change hero's skill set — random or pick. Every of them can be activated using it own mode, which must be writen with other game modes.

1.1. Random abilities

When any hero appears in game (was picked or randomed) it gains 3 random standart abilities and 1 random ultimate. They are random from pool of avaible abilities and go throught some checks (details below).

- can be activated by typing -ra with other game modes; more interesting and fun games are with -ardm mode, so blue player must type -ardmra like gamemode
- compatible with every game mode, except -ad

1.2. Abilities Draft

Every player can choose 3 standart abilities and 1 ultimate for his hero. Picking goes in a draft style. Abilities can be bought in taverns, which are filled with 66 standart abilities and 22 ultimates randomed from pool of avaible abilities.

There are tips for every ability in tavern, which contain its name, main hero (which have this ability in normal game), hotkey, some properties and list of unstackable abilities. Also there is a clever checking system which prevents your hero from learning unstackable abilities and some other bugs.

. Draft process.
. 1. Every player must pick/get a hero. This heroes will be on pause. If someone leaves without hero, anyone must type -recheck to refresh game info about players. Draft will start when every player gets a hero.
. 2. When game says about draft start, 8 of 9 taverns will be filled with 66 standart abilities and 22 ultimates. Every player has 60 seconds to learn the assortment of abilities.
. 3. Draft starts after this time. It goes in 3 phases:
- 1st phase: blue/pink/orange/brown player starts, every player can learn 2 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
- 2nd phase: brown/orange/pink/blue player starts, every player can learn 1 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
- 3rd phase: blue/pink/orange/brown player starts, every player can learn up to 2 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
Every phase goes in well-known 1-2-2-2-2-1 draft order. Every player has 15 seconds for every turn.
If you didn't learn something, you will get money to learn it after all 3 phases.
. 4. When your hero learns 3 standart skills and 1 ultimate, it will be unpaused and you'll get back your gold status before draft.
After draft ends creeps will go in 1 minute.
Warning! Sometimes you can get a bug with shops, so you can't buy anything. Your hero must get out from buying range and then get back to shops. Please, be patient to this bug. Sorry for it.

- can be activated by typing -ad with other game modes
- uncompatible with -ra, -rd, -cd, -dm and -sp modes
There is a special game mode Duplicate Abilities (can be activated by typing -da), which allows for players to pick same abilities.

1.3. Additional Info.
- Aghanim's Scepter doesn't improve ultimates. Exception is when hero has its own ulti (rylai - freezing field, lina - laguna blade, etc.).
- Don't buy or pick any orbs for Luna. It will crash your attack.
- Kelen's Dagger can be used by Vengeful Spirit and Pudge in 1.04e or higher version. Quelling Blade still can't be used by Kunkka.
- Don't use -swap. It will crash your hero as best and crash game as worst.
- Don't use -switch in -ad before the draft ends.
- Abilities with bash won't stack with Cranium Basher.

. Special commands.
-skills — shows current abilities of your hero with some numbers, which is useful when you found a bug
-recheck (only in -ad) — refreshes game info about players
-showprocess (only in -ad)(only blue player) — shows picking abilities process to everyone (who and what picked)

2. Checking system.
Many abilities in DotA are based on same abilities from Warcraft, and they have same orders. If 1 hero gets 2 abilities with same orders then they will be used at one moment or will work only 1 of them. Because of this, when game or player chooses ability, it goes throught special checking for compatible of abilities, that already hero has.
Some abilities can be used only on melee or ranged attack, so abilities goes throught hero attack type checking. Also, some abilities takes 2 or more active icons after learning, and if there is no more place, some abilities may disappear. To prevent it, there is a checking of this.
Totally: your hero will never get uncompatible abilities, will never get abilities for melee(ranged) attack, if it is ranged(melee), also you will never lose your skills.

3. Additional information.
Disabled abilities (with reasons):
just useless abilities in omg game (but every works):
Wave Of Terror
Adaptive Strike
Mirror Image (Naga Siren)
Enchant Totem
Healing Ward
Eyes in the Forest
Echo Stomp — useless without Ancetral Spirit
Fireblast — useless without Multicast
Force of Nature
Test of Faith
Holy Persuasion
Primal Split
Call of the Wild
Electric Vortex
Power Cog
Soul Steal
Conjure Image
Frost Armor
Dark Ritual
Mana Drain
Poison Sting
Plague Ward
Soul Assumption
Gravekeepers Cloak
Raise Revenant
Spin Web
Stifling Dagger
Scorched Earth
Spiked Carapace
Shadow Strike
Death Pact
Corrosive Skin
Kraken Shell
Nature Order
Time Lapse
Summon Spirit Bear — useless without Synergy
Presence of the Dark Lord
Charge of Darkness
Berserker's Call — useless without Counter Helix
Battle Hunger
Spectral Dagger
Voodoo Restoration
Fatal Bonds
Geostrike — useless for 1 hero
Dark Portal
Soul Rip
Wall of Replica
Sticky Napalm — useless without Batrider's abilities
Flaming Lasso

useless because hardcoded for 1 hero:
Static Field — works only with Zeus's abilities (can be rewroten)
Aftershock — works only with Earthshaker's abilities (can be rewroten)
Fiery Soul — works only with Lina's abilities (can be rewroten)
Warpath — works only with Bristleback's abilities (can be rewroten)
Overload — works only with Storm's abilities (can be rewroten)
Synergy — upgrades only Syllabear's abilities
Witchcraft — upgrades only Death Prophet's abilities
MultiCast — upgrades only Ogre Magi's abilities
Phantom Edge — upgrades only Juxtapose; 20% magic resist for ultimate is very useless
Grow — uses unit upgrade, which allowed only for Tiny (can be rewroten)
Take Aim — uses unit upgrade, which allowed only for Sniper (can be rewroten)
Dragon Blood — uses unit upgrade, which allowed only for Dragon Knight (can be rewroten)
Psi Blades — uses unit upgrade, which allowed only for Lanaya (can be rewroten)
Eclipse — depends on Moon Beam level (can be rewroten)
Requiem of Souls — depends on Necromastery level (can be rewroten)
Poof — work only on Geomancer
Divided We Stand — work normally only on Geomancer

transforms — useless because of hardcoded hero abilities in this forms:
True Form
Spirit Form
Berserker Rage
Dragon Form
Cheamical Rage
Flesh Golem

useless because bugged:
Blade Fury — doesn't work
Counter Helix — doesn't work

useless because I think so, but I never tested them:
Moon Glaive
Ball Lighting
Tide Bringer
Split Shot
Geminate Attack

4. Upcoming features in v1.05

* New mode - Pick Abilities (-pa) - any player can pick any ability for its any hero without time limits. [details below]
* New mode - Disabled Skills (-ds) - disabled but working abilities will be added to skills pool. [some details below]

* Different skills pools for -ad and -ra modes.
* Opportunity to see allies' abilities
* Rewrite of abilities Warpath, Fiery Soul, Static Field, Aftershock, Overload, Requiem of Souls and Eclipse for their correct work with any skill.
* Rewrite of Aghanim's Scepter for its correct work with every upgradable ultimate.
* Removing of Kelen's Dagger restriction on Pudge and Venge and Quelling Blade restriction on Kunkka.
* Removing of multiple passives, criticals or bashes restriction.

- Pick Abilities
Pick Abilities is a copy of All Pick, but for abilities. There will be created ~20 new taverns after activation of mode, filled with skills. Taverns are sorted by skills tenor, for example there will be Windwalks tavern, Blinks tavern, Haste tavern, AOE nukes taverns, etc.
After picking hero, player will be able to choose 3 standart skills and 1 ultimate skill for its hero immediately and he shouldn't wait for others. Every chosen skill will be removed from taverns, so 1 ability allowed to be picked only for 1 hero in all game (without -da submode ofc).
Pick Abilities will be compatible with any other standart mode, and won't be compatible with Random Abilities or Abilities Draft. Also, -pa will be compatible with -noherolimit, so you can choose abilities for every your hero.
Maybe, there will be command -randomize like standart -random in -ap with opportunity to repick abilities.

- Disabled Skills
Disabled Skills submode will add every working ability to skills pool.
This addition will be constant for Pick Abilities and Abilities Draft, but every player can set on/off this mode for itself in Random Abilities.

5. Older versions and changelogs.
5.1 - first maps (russian language only)

1.00 - map didn't survived for now days
- OMG mode added to DotA Allstars 6.59

1.01 - map
- fixed morphling hp bug
- removed skills, which don't appear when you learn them (except Brilliance Aura - don't learn it!)
- added over 90 more spells and 30 more ultimates, which should be in pool, but they wasn't
- improved text

1.02 - map
- OMG mode now must be activated. It can be done by adding -ra with other game modes (example - ardmra)
- fully reworked random system; since now non-stacking skills shouldn't be given to hero together
- removed useless in players opinion skills, added some more, returned and fixed skills, removed in 1.01
- there will be no more "man" icon with empty skill
- added compatibility with -du, -mm and -sh modes; since now -ra is compatible with every game mode
- added opportunity to play normal dota in OMG map (bugged)

1.02b - map
- fixed morphling skills
- fixed Ogre's Fireblast manacost
- fixed non-stacking Bash skills with Fury Swipes or Caustic Finale
- added working Essence Aura
- improved random system: since now orb-arrows shouldn't be given to melee heroes
- removed Dragon Blood and splashes

5.2 - last 6.59 maps

1.03 - map
- again reworked random system; since now everything must be fine
- since now multi-icon skills shouldn't be given to hero together
- Impetus cannot be given to melee heroes
- improved skills, which has engineering uprade in normal dota, to be given with 2nd upgrade level
- base map is now english

1.04 Public Beta - map
* Added new mode — -ad (Abilities Draft)
* Rewrote skills giving system for code optimization
* Changed orders for many skills, so they can work with any skills:
- Standarts list: Meat Hook, Burrowstrike, Illuminate, Hunter in Night, Crippling Fear, Shadow Word, Midnight Pulse, March of the Machines, Toss, Viscous Nasal Goo, Sand Storm, Conjure Image, Spectral Dagger, Death coil, Berserker's Call, Malefice, Fatal Bonds, Unstable Concoction, Blink Strike, Starfall, Elune's Arrow, Test of Faith, Poof, Shadow Wave, Blink Strike, Ion Shell, Inner Vitality, Soul Rip, Refraction, Psionic Trap, Blink Strike, Battle Hunger, Illusory Orb, Wanning Rift, Fissure, Infest, Impale, Stifling Dagger, Battery Assault, Power Cog, Spirit Lance, Shallow Grave, Devour, Mana Leak, Chakra Magic, X Marks The Spot, Powershot, Tombstone, Venomous Gale, Wave Of Terror, Sprout, Demonic Conversion.
- Ultimates list: Freezing Field, Eclipse, Rearm, Epicenter, Song of the Siren, Overgrowth, Time Lapse, Nether Strike, Haunt, Moonlight Shadow, Global Silence, Rupture, Hand of God, Wall of Replica, Soul Eater, Dark Portal, Insatiable Hunger, Hookshot, God's Strength, Ghost Ship, Focus Fire.
* Since now Caustic Finale and Fury Swipes shouldn't be given with arrow-orbs.
* Added opportunity to give only melee working skills only to melee heroes (Great Cleave, Beast Rage, Degen Aura, Mighty Swing, Incapacitating Bite, Vampiric Aura, Anchoor Smash, Frostmourne)
* Removed Arcane Orb from pool
* Removed spikes from some heroes
* Numbers of skills, written to player when he gains a hero, now changed to skills names
* Added new command — -skills, which shows your skills' numbers and names

5.3 - 1.04 series

6.61b - 1.04 - no map because it had big exploit
Changelog: (from 1.03)
* Added new mode — -ad (Abilities Draft)
* Added new mode — -da (Duplicate Abilities)
* OMG mode is now based on DotA Allstars 6.61b
* Rewrote skills giving system for code optimization
* Numbers of skills, written to player when he gains a hero, now changed to skills names
* Added new command — -skills, which shows your current skills' numbers and names
* Changed orders for many skills, so they can work with any skills (effects stay the normal):
- Standarts list: Wave Of Terror, Storm Bolt, Warcry, Fissure, Blink Strike, Eyes in the Forest, Echo Stomp, Ancetral Spirit, Illuminate, Mana Leak, Chakra Magic, March of the Machines, Sprout, Spirit Lance, Toss, Test of Faith, Viscous Nasal Goo, Unstable Concoction, Starfall, Elune's Arrow, Inner Vitality, Refraction, Illusory Orb, Wanning Rift, Battery Assault, Power Cog, X Marks The Spot, Powershot, Conjure Image, Impale, Venomous Gale, Blink Strike, Howl, Stifling Dagger, Blink Strike, Crippling Fear, Hunter in Night, Devour, Impale, Static Link, Meat Hook, Burrowstrike, Sand Storm, Berserker's Call, Battle Hunger, Death coil, Spectral Dagger, Fatal Bonds, Shadow Word, Poof, Shallow Grave, Shadow Wave, Soul Rip, Tombstone, Ion Shell, Malefice, Demonic Conversion, Midnight Pulse, Flamebreak
- Ultimates list: Freezing Field, God's Strength, Song of the Siren, Global Silence, Overgrowth, Earthsplitter, Rearm, Hand of God, Eclipse, Moonlight Shadow, Life Break, Psionic Trap, Hookshot, Ghost Ship, Focus Fire, Insatiable Hunger, Stone Gaze, Eye of the Storm, Infest, Nether Strike, Time Lapse, Epicenter, Rupture, Haunt, Dark Portal, Wall of Replica

* Since now melee skills can be given or taken only to melee heroes, range skills can be given or taken only to ranged heroes
* Added new command — -banbloodstone (-banbs), which makes Bloodstone to provide negative and multipled regeneration

* Preloading now starts after mode enter
* Since now Caustic Finale and Fury Swipes shouldn't be given or taken with arrow-orbs
* Soul Eater and Insatiable Hunger now is only melee skills
* Meld now is only range skill
* Removed Arcane Orb
* Removed spikes from some heroes
* Attribute Bonus now doesn't show icon
* Fixed Howl (now it's new one)

6.61b - 1.04b - map
* Fixed heroes' unpause.

6.62 - 1.04c - map
* OMG mode map is now based on DotA v6.62 and works under war3 v1.24b.
* Fixed Rabid, Open Wounds, Black Hole and Refraction.
* Nature Order and Charge of Darkness had been replaced with Heartstopper Aura and Sand Storm because of bugs.
* Commands -swap and -repick are disabled in OMG modes.
* Command unstuck and afk timer are disabled in Abilities Draft mode.
* Fixed bug with shops in Abilities Draft mode.
* After draft in -AD daytime will be turned to morning.

6.64 - 1.04d - map was bugged
* OMG mode is now based on DotA Allstars 6.64 map. All features are saved.
* Pudge and Vengeful Spirit now can use Kelen's Dagger.
* Abilities Draft is now uncompatible with Shuffle Players. (comment - I don't know why but invernuable didn't work, so I just disabled -adsp pair)
* OMG map now can be fully translated on other languages with saving compatible between maps.
* Now you can sell Magical Bottle with rune for 600 gold. This feature made to ignore rune bug in -dm mode (you can sell bugged bottle for 600 and buy new for 600). If bottle wasn't yours, you can't sell it, but you can drop it.
* Maybe fixed Blink Strike and Freezing Field stacking. I did something with it, but don't know if it works now normally.
* Removed -banbloodstone command.

6.64 - 1.04e - map
* Added feature from 1.04, but lost in 1.04d port, which made many unstable working pairs of abilities.
* Fixed ultimates' gold cost (6 -> 10).
* Fixed wrong English
* Fixed Howl, Refraction, Black Hole and Open Wounds.
* Rarely decreased map size (5.93 MB -> 4.38 MB).

This mode might eventually be part of the map, but it is not as simple as everyone thinks to add to a map that is always being developed because of lots of extra things that have to be done. It is easier for me to just add it after a map is published, like with the AI maps. So I will just update this one in meantime.

If you find any bugs, problems or suggestions please tell me so i can fix it.
Don't afraid map size. Yes, it's smaller than normal 6.64. I just compressed loadscreen.

Download link:
DotA v6.64 OMG v1.04e.w3x

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