Harvest Moon 64 Cheat Codes
Hint: Getting Rid of Your Dog
If you want to get rid of that no good mutt just bring it in the bathroom and place it on the ground. Then let it walk around and eventually it will walk into the black where you can't and will fall down some sort of hole. You can call for it but it won't come, you will just hear it's barking.
Hint: Easy Karen Love
Karen may be hard to get through until now show her your dog 250 times. About every 50 times she goes up a heart. This is the Fastest way to get her to love you!
Hint: Chores
When you get a wife in the game, your wife will do certain chores automatically depending on who she is. Below is a list of some possible wife choices and the tasks they can accomplish.
* Ann - Feeds chickens, crates eggs
* Elli - Feeds chickens, crates eggs
* Karen - Nothing
* Maria - Pulls weeds
Hint: Birthdays
Below are the birthdays of some of the characters in the game...
* Ann - Summer 14
* Elli - Fall 1
* Karen - Winter 29
* Maria - Winter 11
* Popuri - Spring 22
Hint: Maria's Birthday
On Thanksgiving day go to the mayor's house talk to his wife and she tell you that the next day is Maria’s birthday.
Hint: Restore the Vineyard
Make good friends with the owner of the bar. After a few weeks, he will give you a bottle of wine. Talk to the Harvest Sprites in the cave until they notice the bottle of wine. Then, throw a vegetable into the pond by the carpenter's hut. The Goddess will then ask if you wish restoration upon the vineyard. Say "yes", and, after that fall season, the Goddess will take you to awake the vineyard. This is also a way to get the photo with Karen.
Hint: Cows Produce Larger Milk
All you have to do to have your cows start out giving large milk, is to name them anything you wish but to be sure to put a heart icon at the ned of it. If you do that then they start out giving large milk.
Hint: Power Berry
Clear out your garden by the pond, and then use your hoe in that area. You can find a power berry close to your pond.
Hint: Invisible Maria
If you are ever divorced from your wife, all of the girls in the game will disappear while you're divorced. If this happens, go to the library and talk to the empty desk. Maria will answer like shes still standing behind it.
Hint: Girl's Birthdays
Ann's birthday = Summer 14
Popuri's birthday = Spring 21
Karen's birthday = Winter 29
Hint: Chickens
If you put your chickens on the roof using the staircase, they will get fed without you having to do anything. They will still lay eggs also.
Hint: Elli's Grandmother
At some point during the game, Elli's Grandmother (the one in the rocking chair outside the bakery) is supposed to die. This happens on a festival day when everyone is usually at the town square. but she will be where she normally is. DONT TALK TO HER. If you do she will pass away. Also if you marry Elli the Grandmother won't die.
Hint: No Money Betting Medals
When you are betting medals in the dog races, talk to the mayors wife and place the bets where you think the horse will win.DO NOT PRESS OK!!! When your cursor is highlighting the horse names, press B and exit out of the screen. It gives your money back, but it keeps the medals that you bet on the horses! Just don't talk to her again until after the races and if your horse wins, then you'll get the medals just as if you had payed!
Hint: Elli's Love
Elli likes fish and eggs and milk. Give it to her every day(eggs milk or fish ethier one.)She well soon fall in love with you if you rapidly give any of those three to her.
Hint: Easy Medals
To get easy medals in a horse race save the game the day before and bet all your money on one horse then find out the winner of the race and restart the game. Re-bet on the winner with your money. With the medals you can get cool upgrades and gifts.
Unlockable: Milk & Wool Upgrade
For Milk: When you get a cow it makes small milk(100G) to make it give you better milk "forget" to feed it one day. The next day she will be sick. Buy a medice from the rancher or potion man. Use it and your cow will produve medium milk(150G). Do this again and it will produce large milk(300G). You can't use this method to get gold milk though (500G). The only way to get that is to win the cow festival (Fall 4th at green ranch).
For Wool: Do the same thing you did to get better milk except only do it once. Wool:900G, Good Wool: 1800G.
Hint: Invisible Baby
In order to do this you must first have your baby crawling. Now, pick up your baby and drop it right in front of the bathroom door (the one you go in to take a bath). Than press forward and pick up your baby and you will open the door and jump in the water and when you get out your hands will be sticking out but no baby. Also if you press the Z button it will say the name of the baby as well! In order to make your baby visible again press start and then press the B button it will be visible again! This trick is not very useful but it is funny.
Hint: Where to Get Recipes
Use the following steps to get various recipes. NOTE: You must have a kitchen to get recipes.
* Bread Pudding: Give either eggs or milk to Elli in the Bakery.
* Cinnamon Milk Tea: Give Elli's father milk from your cows. If this does not get him to hand over the recipe, also give him a few eggs.
* Corn Fritter: Give corn to Ann's father.
* Corn Pasta: Give corn to Popuri's Father.
* Cream of Turnip Stew: Give a turnip to Maria's mother.
* Easy Tomato Soup: Go to the bar and find the man who picks up your shipments of crops and animal items out of your box or bin. Give him a tomato. NOTE: He is not always in the bar, so this may require a few attempts.
* Eggplant With Miso Paste: Give an eggplant to the midwife.
* Fried Char or Fried Potatos and Bacon: Give a potato to the mayor.
* Garlic Beef Potato: Give a potato to the mailman.
* Grilled Trout with Cheese: Give a fish to the carpenter near the river.
* Hot Spicy Wine: Find the big and orange fruit in the forest and give it to the owner of the bar.
* Mashed Potato: Give a potato to Ann.
* Miso Soup with Sprouts: Give an edible herb to the potion shop owner.
* Mushroom Salsa: Give mushrooms to the Harvest elves frequently. Eventually they will reward you with the recipe.
* Pickled Turnip and Cabbage: At the top of the mountain, locate the old folks living in the old house. Give a turnip to the old man living there.
* Rolled Cabbage: Give a cabbage to Maria.
* Simple Tomato Soup: Give the town priest several tomatoes.
* Steamed Clams with Wine: Become good friends with Karen's dad. In the fall, collect as many red berries as possible and try to give him a berry each day. After a while he will reveal the recipe.
* Strawberry Champagne: Give a strawberry to Karen.
* Strawberry Wine: Grow a strawberry in your greenhouse. Once it has matured, pick it, and deliver it to Karen.
* Strawberry Jam: Give Popuri a strawberry.
* Twice cooked tomatoes and Greens: Give a tomato to Popuri's mother.
* Veryberry Wine: Give Kai, the worker at the vineyard, a fruit or berry.
* Walnut Cake: Give Elli's grandma a walnut.
* Mushroom Rice Give the master carpenter (the man who leads the other carpenters, dressed mostly in white) a mushroom.
* Tomato Rice Give a tomato to Karen's Mom
* Sesame Dandelion Greens Give a medicinal herb to the Saibara, the craftshop/ceramic shop owner.
* Stuffed Omelet Give an egg to Gray (Ann's surly brother).
* Herb Rice Cake Give edible grass to the old lady, who lives in the restaurant at the top of the mountain.
* Spa-Poached Eggs Give eggs to Kent, the older grandson of the Potion Shop owner, the one with the blond hair. He can be often found outside the bakery, or in church on weekdays.
* Strawberry Dog Give a strawberry to Stu, the younger grandson of the Potion Shop owner, the one with the black hair. He can often be found outside the bakery, or in church on weekdays.
* Char Stuffed with Mushrooms Give the carpenter's apprentice (the one who is -not- on the mountain, but hangs around the carpenter's house most often) a mushroom.
* Potato Pancakes Give a potato to May, the midwife's young daughter, who can be found most often walking outside the midwife's hut.
* Milk Recipe Give milk from your cows to Rick, the tool man.
Hint: Ann's Love
First you should talk to her often. She likes pink catmint flowers and wool. You should show her your dog and other wild animals often she also enjoys cakes like any other person in the game.
Hint: Love Meter
The girls in Harvest Moon have affection hearts in the bottom right of the text box.
YELLOW=Deep Affection
Hint: Upgrading Your House
To upgrade the shack you live in, you must have two things, lumber and A LOT of money. Go to the carpenter's house and check to the right of the bed and there will be a sheet. Check the sheet and it gives you a choice:
1. Kithen
2. Bathroom
3. Log-terrace (Deck)
4. Baby bed
5. Stairs
6. Greenhouse
(These are not in order)
Choose one and he'll say he'll be over to see if you have the money and lumber. Go back to your ranch and if you have the materials, he'll tell you he will start tommorow.
Hint: Moon Mountain With No Bridge
Go to the tree behind the carpenters house (Where you get to ad to your house). Press A to climb the tree that is the closest, or faces the river. You should start climbing the tree and hop off onto the mountain. To get down simply press A where you hop off the tree and he will hop back down the tree.
Hint: Blue Power Nut
To prevent getting sick in the rain throw a small fish in the pond near the fishermens tent. If you did it right a water imp will appear.
Hint: Music Box
During the Summer go to the dog house. Line yourself with it facing your field (you'll be in between the dog house and the crate that you put your veggies in) From there walk towards the end of the field (you'll have to go around the crate) until (like it says in the map) the tree, the same tree you found the map in, is to your left. Now dig in the spot where the two (dog house and tree)line up. You'll have to strike the ground with the hoe about 10 times. You'll get a rusted up music box. Take it to the tool shop and the shop keeper (Rick) will fix it for you. It's purpose is to be given to the girl you like because it plays a love song.
Hint: Marble
To get the marble you have to buy some flower seeds and plant a moon drop flower and a pink cat flower then when they are done a boy comes to the farm (Stu) and tells you to plant more so then plant four more moon drop and four more pink cat flowers then when there done the boy comes back and ask you to trade with you and say yes then you get a marble (you can find pink cats at the Flower Festival and buy at least five of it).
Hint: Exercise the Dog
Okay, so you want to win the dog races but don't have the time? Just build a fence, or use one you already have, and call your dog. When he comes, make sure that you are on the opposite side of the fence as him. He will keep running towards you while you are doing work. This also works with crops.
Hint: Karen's Love
If you choose Karen as your love, there are a few ground rules. Don't talk to her so much. Make sure you constantly talk to her father and the purple bandana guy. In spring and fall, you can find wild grapes. Give them to her and her father all the time. Visit her in the bar when it is open. Sometimes Karen is on the beach near Ann's house. when the time comes, get the blue feather from Rick and use it on her.
Unlockable: Power Berry
The pond behind the fisherman's tent freezes during the winter so that you can walk on it. If you have the golden hammer, walk onto the frozen pond and hit the rock in the back with your most powerful swing. The rock will break and a power berry will come out.
Unlockable: Treasure Map
If you look in the tree on your farm by pressing the A button there will be a treasure map inside.
Unlockable: Pond Upgrades
To receive a Anti-Rain Power Berry, catch a small fish, and then throw it into the pond where you first met the fisherman, a blue monkey should appear and give you a berry, which allows you to not get tired during rainy days. Another one is to throw any vegetable into the pond near the carpenters house, a spirit will appear and gives you a wish to use for one of three choices, Weather, strength and love.
Note: Do not wish for love if you have a mate with a pink heart in her text box, it will do nothing.
Hint: The Empty Bottle
The only place you can buy the empty bottle is from Rick at some of the Festivals in the town square, especially the Flower Festival. With the bottle, you can buy medicine, or keep liquids in it.
Hint: Getting Rid of Your Dog
If you want to get rid of that no good mutt just bring it in the bathroom and place it on the ground. Then let it walk around and eventually it will walk into the black where you can't and will fall down some sort of hole. You can call for it but it won't come, you will just hear it's barking.
Hint: Easy Karen Love
Karen may be hard to get through until now show her your dog 250 times. About every 50 times she goes up a heart. This is the Fastest way to get her to love you!
Hint: Chores
When you get a wife in the game, your wife will do certain chores automatically depending on who she is. Below is a list of some possible wife choices and the tasks they can accomplish.
* Ann - Feeds chickens, crates eggs
* Elli - Feeds chickens, crates eggs
* Karen - Nothing
* Maria - Pulls weeds
Hint: Birthdays
Below are the birthdays of some of the characters in the game...
* Ann - Summer 14
* Elli - Fall 1
* Karen - Winter 29
* Maria - Winter 11
* Popuri - Spring 22
Hint: Maria's Birthday
On Thanksgiving day go to the mayor's house talk to his wife and she tell you that the next day is Maria’s birthday.
Hint: Restore the Vineyard
Make good friends with the owner of the bar. After a few weeks, he will give you a bottle of wine. Talk to the Harvest Sprites in the cave until they notice the bottle of wine. Then, throw a vegetable into the pond by the carpenter's hut. The Goddess will then ask if you wish restoration upon the vineyard. Say "yes", and, after that fall season, the Goddess will take you to awake the vineyard. This is also a way to get the photo with Karen.
Hint: Cows Produce Larger Milk
All you have to do to have your cows start out giving large milk, is to name them anything you wish but to be sure to put a heart icon at the ned of it. If you do that then they start out giving large milk.
Hint: Power Berry
Clear out your garden by the pond, and then use your hoe in that area. You can find a power berry close to your pond.
Hint: Invisible Maria
If you are ever divorced from your wife, all of the girls in the game will disappear while you're divorced. If this happens, go to the library and talk to the empty desk. Maria will answer like shes still standing behind it.
Hint: Girl's Birthdays
Ann's birthday = Summer 14
Popuri's birthday = Spring 21
Karen's birthday = Winter 29
Hint: Chickens
If you put your chickens on the roof using the staircase, they will get fed without you having to do anything. They will still lay eggs also.
Hint: Elli's Grandmother
At some point during the game, Elli's Grandmother (the one in the rocking chair outside the bakery) is supposed to die. This happens on a festival day when everyone is usually at the town square. but she will be where she normally is. DONT TALK TO HER. If you do she will pass away. Also if you marry Elli the Grandmother won't die.
Hint: No Money Betting Medals
When you are betting medals in the dog races, talk to the mayors wife and place the bets where you think the horse will win.DO NOT PRESS OK!!! When your cursor is highlighting the horse names, press B and exit out of the screen. It gives your money back, but it keeps the medals that you bet on the horses! Just don't talk to her again until after the races and if your horse wins, then you'll get the medals just as if you had payed!
Hint: Elli's Love
Elli likes fish and eggs and milk. Give it to her every day(eggs milk or fish ethier one.)She well soon fall in love with you if you rapidly give any of those three to her.
Hint: Easy Medals
To get easy medals in a horse race save the game the day before and bet all your money on one horse then find out the winner of the race and restart the game. Re-bet on the winner with your money. With the medals you can get cool upgrades and gifts.
Unlockable: Milk & Wool Upgrade
For Milk: When you get a cow it makes small milk(100G) to make it give you better milk "forget" to feed it one day. The next day she will be sick. Buy a medice from the rancher or potion man. Use it and your cow will produve medium milk(150G). Do this again and it will produce large milk(300G). You can't use this method to get gold milk though (500G). The only way to get that is to win the cow festival (Fall 4th at green ranch).
For Wool: Do the same thing you did to get better milk except only do it once. Wool:900G, Good Wool: 1800G.
Hint: Invisible Baby
In order to do this you must first have your baby crawling. Now, pick up your baby and drop it right in front of the bathroom door (the one you go in to take a bath). Than press forward and pick up your baby and you will open the door and jump in the water and when you get out your hands will be sticking out but no baby. Also if you press the Z button it will say the name of the baby as well! In order to make your baby visible again press start and then press the B button it will be visible again! This trick is not very useful but it is funny.
Hint: Where to Get Recipes
Use the following steps to get various recipes. NOTE: You must have a kitchen to get recipes.
* Bread Pudding: Give either eggs or milk to Elli in the Bakery.
* Cinnamon Milk Tea: Give Elli's father milk from your cows. If this does not get him to hand over the recipe, also give him a few eggs.
* Corn Fritter: Give corn to Ann's father.
* Corn Pasta: Give corn to Popuri's Father.
* Cream of Turnip Stew: Give a turnip to Maria's mother.
* Easy Tomato Soup: Go to the bar and find the man who picks up your shipments of crops and animal items out of your box or bin. Give him a tomato. NOTE: He is not always in the bar, so this may require a few attempts.
* Eggplant With Miso Paste: Give an eggplant to the midwife.
* Fried Char or Fried Potatos and Bacon: Give a potato to the mayor.
* Garlic Beef Potato: Give a potato to the mailman.
* Grilled Trout with Cheese: Give a fish to the carpenter near the river.
* Hot Spicy Wine: Find the big and orange fruit in the forest and give it to the owner of the bar.
* Mashed Potato: Give a potato to Ann.
* Miso Soup with Sprouts: Give an edible herb to the potion shop owner.
* Mushroom Salsa: Give mushrooms to the Harvest elves frequently. Eventually they will reward you with the recipe.
* Pickled Turnip and Cabbage: At the top of the mountain, locate the old folks living in the old house. Give a turnip to the old man living there.
* Rolled Cabbage: Give a cabbage to Maria.
* Simple Tomato Soup: Give the town priest several tomatoes.
* Steamed Clams with Wine: Become good friends with Karen's dad. In the fall, collect as many red berries as possible and try to give him a berry each day. After a while he will reveal the recipe.
* Strawberry Champagne: Give a strawberry to Karen.
* Strawberry Wine: Grow a strawberry in your greenhouse. Once it has matured, pick it, and deliver it to Karen.
* Strawberry Jam: Give Popuri a strawberry.
* Twice cooked tomatoes and Greens: Give a tomato to Popuri's mother.
* Veryberry Wine: Give Kai, the worker at the vineyard, a fruit or berry.
* Walnut Cake: Give Elli's grandma a walnut.
* Mushroom Rice Give the master carpenter (the man who leads the other carpenters, dressed mostly in white) a mushroom.
* Tomato Rice Give a tomato to Karen's Mom
* Sesame Dandelion Greens Give a medicinal herb to the Saibara, the craftshop/ceramic shop owner.
* Stuffed Omelet Give an egg to Gray (Ann's surly brother).
* Herb Rice Cake Give edible grass to the old lady, who lives in the restaurant at the top of the mountain.
* Spa-Poached Eggs Give eggs to Kent, the older grandson of the Potion Shop owner, the one with the blond hair. He can be often found outside the bakery, or in church on weekdays.
* Strawberry Dog Give a strawberry to Stu, the younger grandson of the Potion Shop owner, the one with the black hair. He can often be found outside the bakery, or in church on weekdays.
* Char Stuffed with Mushrooms Give the carpenter's apprentice (the one who is -not- on the mountain, but hangs around the carpenter's house most often) a mushroom.
* Potato Pancakes Give a potato to May, the midwife's young daughter, who can be found most often walking outside the midwife's hut.
* Milk Recipe Give milk from your cows to Rick, the tool man.
Hint: Ann's Love
First you should talk to her often. She likes pink catmint flowers and wool. You should show her your dog and other wild animals often she also enjoys cakes like any other person in the game.
Hint: Love Meter
The girls in Harvest Moon have affection hearts in the bottom right of the text box.
YELLOW=Deep Affection
Hint: Upgrading Your House
To upgrade the shack you live in, you must have two things, lumber and A LOT of money. Go to the carpenter's house and check to the right of the bed and there will be a sheet. Check the sheet and it gives you a choice:
1. Kithen
2. Bathroom
3. Log-terrace (Deck)
4. Baby bed
5. Stairs
6. Greenhouse
(These are not in order)
Choose one and he'll say he'll be over to see if you have the money and lumber. Go back to your ranch and if you have the materials, he'll tell you he will start tommorow.
Hint: Moon Mountain With No Bridge
Go to the tree behind the carpenters house (Where you get to ad to your house). Press A to climb the tree that is the closest, or faces the river. You should start climbing the tree and hop off onto the mountain. To get down simply press A where you hop off the tree and he will hop back down the tree.
Hint: Blue Power Nut
To prevent getting sick in the rain throw a small fish in the pond near the fishermens tent. If you did it right a water imp will appear.
Hint: Music Box
During the Summer go to the dog house. Line yourself with it facing your field (you'll be in between the dog house and the crate that you put your veggies in) From there walk towards the end of the field (you'll have to go around the crate) until (like it says in the map) the tree, the same tree you found the map in, is to your left. Now dig in the spot where the two (dog house and tree)line up. You'll have to strike the ground with the hoe about 10 times. You'll get a rusted up music box. Take it to the tool shop and the shop keeper (Rick) will fix it for you. It's purpose is to be given to the girl you like because it plays a love song.
Hint: Marble
To get the marble you have to buy some flower seeds and plant a moon drop flower and a pink cat flower then when they are done a boy comes to the farm (Stu) and tells you to plant more so then plant four more moon drop and four more pink cat flowers then when there done the boy comes back and ask you to trade with you and say yes then you get a marble (you can find pink cats at the Flower Festival and buy at least five of it).
Hint: Exercise the Dog
Okay, so you want to win the dog races but don't have the time? Just build a fence, or use one you already have, and call your dog. When he comes, make sure that you are on the opposite side of the fence as him. He will keep running towards you while you are doing work. This also works with crops.
Hint: Karen's Love
If you choose Karen as your love, there are a few ground rules. Don't talk to her so much. Make sure you constantly talk to her father and the purple bandana guy. In spring and fall, you can find wild grapes. Give them to her and her father all the time. Visit her in the bar when it is open. Sometimes Karen is on the beach near Ann's house. when the time comes, get the blue feather from Rick and use it on her.
Unlockable: Power Berry
The pond behind the fisherman's tent freezes during the winter so that you can walk on it. If you have the golden hammer, walk onto the frozen pond and hit the rock in the back with your most powerful swing. The rock will break and a power berry will come out.
Unlockable: Treasure Map
If you look in the tree on your farm by pressing the A button there will be a treasure map inside.
Unlockable: Pond Upgrades
To receive a Anti-Rain Power Berry, catch a small fish, and then throw it into the pond where you first met the fisherman, a blue monkey should appear and give you a berry, which allows you to not get tired during rainy days. Another one is to throw any vegetable into the pond near the carpenters house, a spirit will appear and gives you a wish to use for one of three choices, Weather, strength and love.
Note: Do not wish for love if you have a mate with a pink heart in her text box, it will do nothing.
Hint: The Empty Bottle
The only place you can buy the empty bottle is from Rick at some of the Festivals in the town square, especially the Flower Festival. With the bottle, you can buy medicine, or keep liquids in it.
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