We are anticipating DotA 6.70 because it was pointed out that it will have a new loadscreen which is going to be included on the next upcoming DotA release.
DotA 6.70 is not yet a dream come true to all of us DotA players but this page will serve as a dedicated article to all upcoming news about DotA 6.70
UPDATE: DotA 6.70b was released which contains some bug fixes.
DotA 6.70 Map Download, DotA 6.70 Finally Released - December 24, 2010 at 02:46 PM, as he always do for the past years, IceFrog finally released the new DotA 6.70 right before Christmas eve. DotA 6.70 comes new loadscreen, 2 new heroes, 3 new items and of course various miscellaneous improvements that will surely adds up to the never ending story of DotA.
DotA 6.70 new heroes
Tuskarr compresses 5 shards of ice into a ball of frozen energy that damages all enemies in comes in contact with. If the ball comes in contact with an enemy hero or reaches its maximum range the shards are released, creating a barrier that lasts for 5 seconds.
Phoenix dives forward in an arc with a fixed distance in the targeted direction, dealing damage and disarming any units he comes into contact with, and then orbiting back to his original position. If during the 2 second duration of this spell Phoenix casts another spell, the dive ends. Phoenix gains magic immunity for this brief dive period as well. Costs 10% of current HP to cast.
Download DotA 6.70
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 1
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 2
DotA 6.70 new items
Ancient Janggo of Endurance - Comes with 3 charges. When used, grants nearby player controlled units an extra 10% MS and AS buff. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Medallion of Courage - Target an enemy unit, both you and the enemy lose 6 armor for a duration.
Smoke of Deceit - Places a buff on all allied player controlled units in 900 aoe. Makes them invisible, grants 10% movespeed bonus, and prevents them from appearing on minimap to enemy players. If you get within 900 aoe of an enemy hero or tower, the buff wears off. If you attack creeps or Roshan, it dispells.
DotA 6.70 new improvements
Download DotA 6.70
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 1
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 2
DotA 6.70 is not yet a dream come true to all of us DotA players but this page will serve as a dedicated article to all upcoming news about DotA 6.70
UPDATE: DotA 6.70b was released which contains some bug fixes.
DotA 6.70 Map Download, DotA 6.70 Finally Released - December 24, 2010 at 02:46 PM, as he always do for the past years, IceFrog finally released the new DotA 6.70 right before Christmas eve. DotA 6.70 comes new loadscreen, 2 new heroes, 3 new items and of course various miscellaneous improvements that will surely adds up to the never ending story of DotA.
DotA 6.70 new heroes
Tuskarr compresses 5 shards of ice into a ball of frozen energy that damages all enemies in comes in contact with. If the ball comes in contact with an enemy hero or reaches its maximum range the shards are released, creating a barrier that lasts for 5 seconds.
Phoenix dives forward in an arc with a fixed distance in the targeted direction, dealing damage and disarming any units he comes into contact with, and then orbiting back to his original position. If during the 2 second duration of this spell Phoenix casts another spell, the dive ends. Phoenix gains magic immunity for this brief dive period as well. Costs 10% of current HP to cast.
Download DotA 6.70
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 1
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 2
DotA 6.70 new items
Ancient Janggo of Endurance - Comes with 3 charges. When used, grants nearby player controlled units an extra 10% MS and AS buff. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Medallion of Courage - Target an enemy unit, both you and the enemy lose 6 armor for a duration.
Smoke of Deceit - Places a buff on all allied player controlled units in 900 aoe. Makes them invisible, grants 10% movespeed bonus, and prevents them from appearing on minimap to enemy players. If you get within 900 aoe of an enemy hero or tower, the buff wears off. If you attack creeps or Roshan, it dispells.
DotA 6.70 new improvements
- Added a new loadscreen by Kunkka
- Reworked Tavern Layout
- Added a 4 minute cooldown to Buyback
- Updated hero icon representation on the minimap (364977)
- Creep vision decreased from 1100 to 850
- Consumable Items no longer automatically fuse with ones you don't own (except for wards)
- Added a new model for Furion
Download DotA 6.70
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 1
DotA v6.70.w3x.zip mirror 2
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